new ship

Hazards of Concealing Tonnage of Ships



With the continuous development of the national economy and water transport, the trend of large-scale ship development is becoming more and more obvious, and the passing volume of ships is increasing year by year. However, due to the relative backwardness of certain management links and the blind pursuit of maximizing the interests of the crew, speculation, concealment of tonnage, evasion of payment of fees and other unfair means of competition have emerged, seriously infringing on the interests of the State.

With the continuous development of the national economy and water transportation, the development trend of large-scale ships is becoming more and more obvious, and the ship throughput is increasing year by year. However, due to the relative lag of some management links and the blind pursuit of maximizing the interests of the crew, unfair competition methods such as opportunism, concealment of tonnage, and evasion of fees have also appeared, which seriously infringes on national interests. According to the statistics of Huai'an and Huaiyin lock management offices of Jiangsu Provincial Transportation Department of Beijing Hangzhou canal, from January to August 2009, the two lock management offices released 417500 ships with a total tonnage of 106.98 million tons, and a gate fee of 59.4799 million yuan was levied. Among them, 3055 ships were verified, accounting for 0.73 of the total number of ships passing through the gate. It was found that 56300 tons of gross tonnage were concealed, and the gate fee was 141300 yuan. From May 12 to June 27, 2009, in the ship billing base measurement review and overload fee inspection activities organized by the Provincial Waterway Bureau, the Subei Navigation Management Office reviewed 8900 ships, reported to revise the ship billing base of 2350 ships and increased the ship billing base of 135000 tons, levy and compensate for the gate fee of 280000 yuan. It can be seen from this that the loss of ship's concealed tonnage to waterway fees cannot be ignored.

1 The hazards of concealed tonnage of ships.

The so-called concealed tonnage of a ship means that the amount of cargo that the ship can actually carry (or the total tonnage of the ship) is greater than the permitted tonnage (or the total tonnage) in the navigation certificate. When purchasing the channel fee, it is only based on the charging value stated in the navigation certificate. On the surface, the concealed tonnage of the ship is only for the crew to evade the fees and gate fees. However, the harm is far beyond this, which is mainly manifested in:

1.1 caused dispatching error of remote dispatching station. Due to the concealed tonnage of the ship, the ship that can enter the gate in theory is dispatched into the gate, but the actual situation is not, resulting in chaos in the operation order. On August 24, 2009, Huaiyin Shiplock Remote Dispatch Station registered 6 cargo ships, 1 ship of 42,300-400 gross tons of 200-300 gross tons and 3 ships of 400-450 gross tons. According to the gross tonnage and scale of the ships registered in the certificate, the dispatcher calculated that the effective length of the No.2 lock of the institute was 216 meters and the net width was 23 meters. The first lock dispatch could pass through the lock, and the dispatch was carried out according to the regulations. However, the actual volume was only 4 ships. Two ships were poured out after negotiation with the crew, and the next lock passed, wasting 30 minutes of lock operation time. After investigation, the certificate of a Lu Zaozhuang freighter dispatched by the gate recorded the information as 45 meters long, 9.0 meters wide and 433 gross tons, but the actual ship entering the gate was 67.0 meters long, 13.6 meters wide and 1260 tons by the maritime department on site.

1.2 are prone to clipping and shipwreck accidents. Due to the concealed tonnage and size of the ship, resulting in a lock can pass through the ship can not pass, in order to ensure that their own ship can pass, the crew will compete with each other, leading to collision, clamping and even more serious shipwreck. At the same time, due to the concealment of ship scale, but also easily lead to low water level due to ship shallow, water leakage and other accidents. On July 14, 2008, a Su salt freighter was launched at gate 3 of a certain gate, with a registered total tonnage of 108 tons, a length of 23.5 meters, a width of 5 meters and a draft of 2.3m. When entering the lock, it was found that the ship's certificate did not match. The ship was checked on site. The actual length of the ship was 69 meters, the width was 13.6 meters, the draft was 4.2 meters, and the total ton was 1200 tons. After leaving the lock, the ship's bottom leaked due to the shallow deviation from the main waterway. After the lock workers tried their best to rescue the beach, the shipwreck accident in the waterway was avoided. After questioning, the ship was a new ship that had just left the factory, loaded with about 3000 tons of yellow sand, and used the certificates of its own old ship.

1.3 reduce the use efficiency of the sluice room. Ships conceal tonnage, often conceal the length and width, lock scheduling in accordance with the certificate landing scale implementation, found that the dispatch of the ship can not pass a lock, it is difficult to take remedial measures, had not yet passed the ship re-arrangement of the lock. Formation of waste of chamber volume.

1.4 form unfair competition. As a result of the ship's concealment of tonnage, opportunistic, so that the state's transport management fees, navigation fees, cargo surcharges, visa fees, gate fees and other costs of a large loss, into private pockets, fattening individuals, damage the interests of the state. Compared with the law-abiding crew, there is no unfair competition.

1.5 can easily induce unhealthy trends in the industry. In order to evade inspection, ships with concealed tonnage often use abnormal means such as "management links" in an attempt to muddle through and induce unhealthy tendencies in the industry.

1.6 damage the reputation of the locks. Concealing the tonnage of ships brings difficulties to the implementation of the release of the lock, in the lock to be more ships, according to the login information arrangement of the lock scheduling plan, often appear reasonable and actually can not be implemented, easily lead to conflicts between the lock and the crew, damage the reputation of the lock. At the same time, the actual scale of the same ship, the formation of the fees and charges are not consistent, damage the overall image of the lock, but also damage the overall image of water transport management.

2 Reasons for the concealment of tonnage by governing ships

The crew concealed the tonnage, disrupted the normal operation order of the lock, induced unhealthy trends in the industry, especially brought great hidden dangers to the safety of the lock operation. There are many reasons for the concealment of tonnage of ships, the main analysis of which is:

2.1 "three no" ships are still in operation. For example, for ships loaded with yellow sand, the credibility of the inspection certificates of most ships is not high, or there is no permitted tonnage and gross tonnage. The owner of the ship can quote as much as he wants.

2.2 disregard policy. At present, there are a large number of cargo ships sailing on the Subei Canal with a gross tonnage of 1000 or more. According to the "Minimum Safety Cooperation Rules for the People's Republic of China Ships" issued by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China on June 30, 2004, ships with a gross tonnage of 600 or more must be equipped with a minimum of 2 pilots and 2 turbines, and the pilots and turbines must hold second-class or above certificates. This is very difficult for the crew who carry out the ship transportation operation with the family as the unit. Therefore, it is inevitable to conceal the tonnage in illegal navigation.

2.3 management is not strong enough. A few ships can take out several navigation documents, use the certificate indicating the large load when loading, use the certificate indicating the small load when passing the gate, and even use the past navigation documents for ship renewal.

2.4 changes to the ship's structure. Some ships have been modified to make the original ships longer, wider and deeper, but the navigation documents still use the original certificates.

2.5 management tools lag. After the same ship leaves the factory, there is no factory number, the crew can be mixed, Zhang Guan Li Dai, managers can not distinguish.

3 Countermeasures to control the concealment of tonnage of ships.

In view of the above situation, to control the concealment of tonnage of ships, one must rely on further policy guidance, and two must strengthen management:

Indicate the ship's number 3.1 a uniform location. The ship's name number is a significant Peugeot to distinguish the ship's attributes and is the ship's "identity card". The ship's name and number are marked in obvious parts, which can facilitate the inspection of inspectors and reduce the occurrence of the phenomenon of concealing tonnage. One ship, one ship, easy to find stranded illegal ships, prevent hit-and-run, so that damage to navigation facilities can be timely claims. The ship has a unified location of the ship name, the ship number and the ship name light box, which is not only conducive to the management of relevant departments, but also conducive to the ship sailing especially at night, which can effectively curb the occurrence of water traffic accidents. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, a new technology-radio frequency identification technology can automatically identify the ship's name and number, install active electronic tags on the ship, and install long-distance radio frequency readers on the waterway. When the ship passes, it will be automatically identified. And read the data, which greatly facilitates the management of the ship by relevant departments.

3.2 the establishment of inland vessel center data sharing system. Driven by the maximization of profits, some crew members will do everything possible to evade the state fees and respond to inspections by relevant departments, and it is difficult for on-site staff to find out with the naked eye. In particular, the use of false documents by crew members has seriously disrupted the order of the water transport market and caused unfair competition. If the data sharing system of the inland river ship center can be established, the on-site staff can check the authenticity of the ship's certificate on the Internet in time, and purify the water transportation market environment. This part of the ships that rely on false certificates to conceal the tonnage can be effectively controlled.

3.3 increase the intensity of supervision and punishment. It is a serious violation for a ship to evade paying the gate fee and should be punished. Relevant departments must first increase supervision and management, and second, increase penalties. Administrative penalties shall be imposed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations on ships that deliberately conceal the tonnage and basic dimensions of the ship and endanger the operation of the lock and the safety of ship navigation. Some law enforcement officers did not make good use of the policies given to us by their superiors when dealing with such illegal ships, and the penalties were low. Therefore, the relevant law enforcement departments of the concealed tonnage of the ship should further increase the intensity of punishment, only the amount of punishment is greater than the amount of the concealed tonnage of the fee, the crew feel at a loss, in order to inhibit or reduce the transport ship's concealed tonnage on the loss of national fees and damage to the safety of the operation of the lock.

3.4 put a good site to run the "two" pass. The development of large-scale ships is inevitable, and it is inevitable to conceal the tonnage due to the trend of interests. To ensure the safety of on-site operation, it is necessary to check at all levels. The first registration personnel of each gate should first strengthen the management of the first registration of ships, keep the first pass well, carefully examine and record the ship's scale, and understand the actual situation by checking the legal inspection certificate and other methods before logging in for ships in doubt. Study and master the psychological activities of the crew, and do a good job of publicity and explanation to prevent the loss of fees and safety damage caused by intentional concealment or intentional misstatement. The second pass is the gate attendant. When the ship is organized, it is necessary to further calibrate the scale of the ship seriously, scientifically combine, consider the order of the ship entering and leaving the gate in advance, make full use of the effective area of the gate, and at the same time, do not be careless or take it lightly, allow the crew to risk entering and leaving the gate or exceed the warning line, and master the water level difference and the structure of hydraulic structures, otherwise, the consequences are difficult to imagine.

3.5 the establishment of a ship inspection and measurement system in line with national conditions. China has joined the WTO, the relevant standards, quality requirements and international standards, the use of international standards in the inevitable. However, the requirements of the inland water transport ship inspection and measurement system are inconsistent with the implementation standards. Some ships have both gross tons (for the existing legal measurement tonnage) and some are recommended to carry tons. However, some ships only have gross tons, and there is no suggestion to carry tons. Therefore, the crew can report or conceal at will, resulting in the loss of fees. Taking into account the current management of water transport ships, should establish a ship inspection and measurement system in line with the national conditions, that is, in the approval of the legal total tonnage of the ship at the same time, unified approval of the ship's quasi-load tons, safety freeboard, overload coefficient, etc., so that the external can be in line with the national conditions. It can not only facilitate the inspection of relevant departments, such as overloading, load reduction, or the definition of the severity of overloading, but also be conducive to the safe operation of the crew, help reduce the loss of fees, and help the owner to check and inspect the goods.

The 3.6 unifies and standardizes the external dimensions of ships. Standardizing the scale of ships can improve the operational capacity of waterways. For example, the canal is a restricted waterway, is an important golden waterway, in order to effectively use the lock volume, improve operational efficiency, but also in order to count the number of ships through, reasonable and full charge of the lock fee, transport ship type and scale should be gradually standardized. While actively encouraging and supporting the development of private and private shipbuilding enterprises, we should adhere to industry management standards, strengthen the verification of ship design and manufacturing for new ships and "cutting boats", strictly implement the action plan of the Beijing Hangzhou canal ship type standardization demonstration project issued by the Ministry of communications and five provinces and one city, accelerate the promotion process of the standard ship type of the Beijing Hangzhou canal, and make greater efforts to play the role of the golden waterway.

3.7 research and development of braking measurement ship system. Relevant departments should make full use of satellite positioning, infrared scanners, sonar remote sensing and other advanced scientific and technological means to develop equipment for automatic measurement of ship dimensions, which is installed at each gate of the lock. When a ship passes through the lock, it can automatically read out the relevant dimensions of the ship and the three-dimensional model of the ship.

Solving the problem of ship concealment of tonnage is a long-term and arduous task. It requires the concerted efforts of government departments at all levels. It also requires relevant departments to formulate unified national operating specifications based on the actual situation of the national water transportation market, and establish an interchange to combat ship concealment of tonnage. Network, implement upper and lower linkages, and coordinate departments simultaneously to reduce unnecessary waste of resources. We believe that through the joint efforts of the vast number of plumbing cadres and groups, we will be able to curb the undesirable phenomenon of ships concealing tonnage and achieve the desired effect of the ship's certificate.